PBC original articles
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From how passive house is done with kitchens, to how to care about air tightness, to passive house in Quebec and beyond PBC has produced a number of original articles over the last few years, largely drawing on technical writer interns. Check them out below!
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Haíɫzaqv Nation climate justice leaders, opportunity to invest in real climate action
Extraordinary work is being done by Haíɫzaqv Nation to advance climate action and decarbonize their community.
Why the NRCan Greener Homes Loan could makes things worse
Clearly, the Government of Canada is interested in retrofits as a mechanism of mitigating climate change. But if they want to make meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, a more ambitious strategy is needed.
Toronto Launches Deep Retrofit Challenge
The goal of the Deep Retrofit Challenge is to build up market confidence in deep retrofits, encourage voluntary compliance with existing building policies, and inform future energy codes.
Possible solution for Nova Scotia’s wood chip problem emerging in Maine
Nova Scotia has a biomass problem that needs solving. Currently, forestry by-products are amassing in the province as demand from paper mills tumults.
Business case for deep retrofits developing in BC
The Reframed Initiative brings together the construction industry, building owners, financiers, and policy makers to share knowledge on best practices to advance the business case of deep retrofits.
The Kootenays Low Carbon Homes Pilot highlights importance of embodied carbon
The municipalities of Nelson and Castlegar, BC are positioning themselves as leaders in the realm of embodied carbon research with their recently published Benchmarking Report and Material Carbon Emissions Guide
BC's heat wave a reminder to prioritize the disabled community in the green building space
The people most likely to purchase retrofits, or build an energy efficient home, are not the people who were impacted the most by the heat wave.
Change Has To Come
Make no mistake, the construction site is filled with hot heads and hierarchies established by the age-old tradition of barking orders, nipping at heels for production with an equal measure of machismo and bravado.
How to Care About Air: thoughts on air tightness
Caring is about paying attention. Sweating the details. Let it be said that detailing an ABS for new construction is considerably easier than trying to cobble an ABS in an existing building. So hat’s off to all those who tackle the Deep Energy Retrofit of vintage buildings. Here’s a priority list of items to pay attention to.
The evolution of enclosures and the evolution of my thinking
As an energy auditor, I always had a quick answer and swung from the hips with the solution, but when my turn came to make decisions with my son about his house, I was caught in a morass of decision making paralysis. I wasn’t the role model I wanted to be.
GHG Targets Mission Impossible: Who Will Retrofit Canada?
A few critical actions are required to ensure Canada has enough building professionals to complete widespread deep-energy retrofits.
Elephant Thoughts: Passive Buildings Educating Next Generation Environmental Stewards
A passive building is under construction that will act as a retreat for youth to connect with nature and develop resilience.
Passive House Has Competition: The British Columbia Energy Step Code
As time passes and 2030 peaks over the horizon, it is clear that the Step Code must shift to mandatory and drastic regulations accounting for embodied carbon to address the climate emergency.
Do Our Actions Matter? How Occupant Behaviour Affects High-Performance Buildings
It is clear that as high-performance building standards become more popular, issues with the certification system become more evident. We currently lack the mechanisms to require operational performance data from certified buildings past the initial modelling and audit phase which is a major barrier to improving these standards.
Lorrie Rand: The Challenges of Being a Passive House Professional
Despite being an accredited passive building designer with a wealth of experience, Lorrie has encountered moments of uncomfortable undermining by male colleagues.
Adam’s Awakening: Adam Cohen on Regeneration, Decolonization, and Love in the Built Environment
Like most of us, Adam was starkly aware of the global crises but didn’t know how to help beyond the small silo of passive buildings.
Too Hot to Handle: Problems and Possibilities With Passive House and Extreme Heat
While the heatwave had severe health and mental implications - dehydration, heatstroke, cardiovascular and respiratory complications, depression, anxiety, drowning and food-borne disease - it also strained outdated housing, commercial and public infrastructure.
Passive House: Climate-Proofing Against Disease and Smoke
Passive buildings have long been known for their ability to reduce energy consumption and costs for the owner. Despite debates over effectiveness, it is also clear that the passive house standard offers more protection against climate-induced indoor air pollution than a code-built house.
Passive House or Hard Pass Part 2: Recognizing and Utilizing Drivers for Passive House Uptake
In review, it is clear that the barriers for entry into the passive house and DER market are surmountable.