Join us in-person & online
Our Calendar of Events is below.
We host in person and online events. We usually post presentations to our YouTube Channel.
Boots on the Ground
Our signature event is High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground ("Boots on the Ground"). These are free, events that bring together leaders from the design and construction fields (and beyond) to share ideas, network and learn about great products that get the job done to produce high performance buildings.
Each "Boots on the Ground" features snacks and drinks, three twenty minute talks, and a mini-trade show with passive house products. Generally the program features a presentation from a builder, a designer and a third presentation from a broader range of professionals in the high performance world.
Program: 6-7PM networking ; 7-8pm presentations; 8-9pm networking. All the presentations are professionally filmed and available for free on our YouTube Channel.
Want to be a part of these events? The best way is to become a member.
Interested in an invitation to “Boots on the Ground?” Email us at: events [at]
Interested in sponsoring a “Boots on the Ground” event, get more information here.
High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground - Guelph 2023 (teaser)
Calendar of events
Please note that dates and locations of events subject to change.

PBC AGM and Presentation
PBC's 2024 AGM + Presentation
We welcome all PBC members * to join us for our Annual General Meeting, Thursday, April 24th at 4pm PT/5pm MT/6pm CT/7pm ET/8pm AT/8:30PM NST).
If you would like to appoint a proxy for the meeting please use this form. Multiple people from a company business member may attend the meeting but only person may vote.
*While all members are welcome only members who are in good standing for at least 31 days prior to the AGM may vote.
PBC elections - seeking board members
Passive buildings Canada is a national non profit supporting the passive house community to build a more sustainable Canada and planet. Our board is made up of three to nine representatives. The board must have at least three people and not more than 9. In 2024 we had 5 board members.
We have three board members with one more year on their term, and therefore have 6 slots for the board. There are two board members who will be running for re-election.
People who would like to run for the PBC board should complete this form by April 10th. Nominations from the floor will not be taken at the AGM.
Patrick Andres: Building Better Codes
As always at our AGM we host an informative talk and we are very pleased to welcome Patrick Andres who will speak of the critical need to rapidly adapt building codes to our climate reality.
Patrick Andres is a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in building science, energy efficiency, and mechanical systems. He holds a Master of Applied Science in Building Science from Toronto Metropolitan University and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Guelph.
Currently serving as the Technical Lead for Resource Conservation and Mechanical Systems at the City of Guelph, his responsibilities include enforcing Building Code energy efficiency requirements for large buildings and supporting plans examiners and inspectors with technical matters related to building science and HVAC systems. He is also a member of the National Research Council’s Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, contributing to the development of a Net Zero Energy Ready Building Code by 2030.
Patrick's previous roles include Building Science Engineer & Project Coordinator at Evolve Builders Group Inc., and Building Performance Consultant at Blue Green Consulting Group Inc. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), Certified Building Code Official (CBCO), and a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC®).
Patrick likes to spend his free time outdoors and is obsessed with hiking, canoeing, camping, and gardening.

High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground GUELPH
PBC’s “Boots on the Ground” in-person events are sustainable building events for designers, builders, architects and others interested in the high performance design and construction field. This is a free event but registration is required (use “Get tickets” button below). Tickets are limited. Please no walk-ins.
Each three(+) hour event features two hours of networking amongst the integrated mini-trade show with food and drink. See presentations from past events here.
Questions? Contact
Building Envelope Details for a Multi-Family Passive House by Ed Marion
From 1960's to Net Zero by Guy Lazure & Johanne Fortier
Natural Swimming Pools - Understanding the Various Types by Derek Lippert

Green Building Learning Zone at the National Home Show
PBC is a proud member of the Green Building Learning Zone - a volunteer collaborative of professionals passionate about green buildings.
We are an event-based organization, bringing together architects, designers, builders, suppliers, educators, non-profits and consultants from the green building world who are all deeply committed to creating sustainable buildings and educating the public about their importance.
We are returning to the National Home Show in Toronto with a big informational booth, plus booth talks and time on the main stage! Use code GBLZ25 to get $5 off tickets to the National Home Show!

High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground TORONTO
PBC’s “Boots on the Ground” in-person events are sustainable building events for designers, builders, architects and others interested in the high performance design and construction field. This is a free event but registration is required (use “Get tickets” button below). Tickets are limited. Please no walk-ins.
Each three(+) hour event features two hours of networking amongst the integrated mini-trade show with food and drink. See presentations from past events here.
Questions? Contact
use code: torontoboots25
Design Lessons from the West Don Ravine Passive House: Toronto’s First PHIUS+ Certified Home by Gregory Beck Rubin
Best Practices in Passive House MURB Ventilation System by Josh Lewis
Designing and Constructing a Volumetric Modular Passive House by Enda McDonagh

High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground TORONTO
PBC’s “Boots on the Ground” in-person events are sustainable building events for designers, builders, architects and others interested in the high performance design and construction field. This is a free event but registration is required (use “Get tickets” button below). Tickets are limited. Please no walk-ins.
Each three(+) hour event features two hours of networking amongst the integrated mini-trade show with food and drink. See presentations from past events here.
Questions? Contact
use code: torontoboots
Inclusion in the Built Environment by Haley Rae Lawson
The Responsible Buildings Pact : Collective Action to Increase Use of Low Carbon Materials by David Messer
Evaluating Energiesprong Retrofits for Solid Masonry Townhomes in Toronto by Stanley Francispillai

High Performance Design Meets Boots on the Ground MUSKOKA (Huntsville)
PBC’s “Boots on the Ground” events are sustainable building events for designers, builders, architects and others iinterested in the high performance design and construction field. This is a free event but registration is required (use “Get tickets” button below). Tickets are limited.
Each three(+) hour event features two hours of networking amongst the integrated mini-trade show with food and drink. See presentations from past events here.
Questions? Contact
A tradesperson's journey into high performance construction and design by Blair Mckenzie
Collaboration for an Indigenous prefab factory in Northern Ontario by Bertha Cormier and Rick Zytaruk
CLT on an island in Muskoka by Terrell Wong
Use code: muskokaboots
Short highlights from “Boots on the Ground” Halifax 2024:

PBC AGM and Presentation
PBC's 2023 AGM + Presentation
We welcome all PBC members * to join us for our Annual General Meeting, Thursday, May 16th at 4pm PT/5pm MT/6pm CT/7pm ET/8pm AT/8:30PM NST).
If you did not receive your invite to the AGM please email us at:
If you would like to appoint a proxy for the meeting please use this form. Multiple people from a company business member may attend the meeting but only person may vote.
*While all members are welcome only members who are in good standing for at least 31 days prior to the AGM may vote.
PBC elections - seeking board members
Passive buildings Canada is a national non profit supporting the passive house community to build a more sustainable Canada and planet. Our board is made up of three to nine representatives. The board must have at least three people and not more than 9. In 2023 we had 7 board members.
We have one board member with one more year on their term and therefore have 8 slots for the board. There are three board members who will be running for re-election.
People who would like to run for the PBC board should complete this form by May 10th. Nominations from the floor will not be taken at the AGM.
Presentation: The new La Pêche City Hall
Dominique Laroche: The new La Pêche City Hall
As always at our AGM we host an informative talk and we are very pleased to welcome Dominique Laroche.
Dominique's talk is on the new La Pêche City Hall. The new La Pêche City Hall is a very low-carbon building made almost entirely of wood. Located 30 minutes northwest of Gatineau, it is also the first institutional building in Quebec to be candidate to Passivhaus certification. The presentation will take you through the integrated design process, design development phases and construction site photos. The project is due for completion in August 2024.
A 1997 graduate of McGill University, Dominique Laroche has over 25 years' experience in architecture. His sensitivity to climate change led him to take an early interest in the energy efficiency of buildings. In 2010 he co-designed the Net Zero library in Varennes. In 2017, his refuge in Saint-Calixte, a passive solar house made of CLT and biobased insulation, won ex-aqueo the OAQ Prix d'Excellence in the "green building" category. With BGLA since 2019, he is lead designer for several institutional projects, including the new La Pêche City Hall.

Green Building Learning Zone at the National Home Show
Passive Buildings Canada was a founding member of the Green Building Learning Zone (GBLZ) in 2020.
The GBLZ is a space to learn about sustainable building. It brings together architects, designers, builders, suppliers, educators, non-profits and consultants from the green building world who are all deeply committed to creating sustainable buildings and educating the public about their importance.
The GBLZ booth is part of the National Home show that runs March 8-10th and March 13-17th. Please note the home show is closed March 11 & 12.
Each day the GBLZ will feature a unique lineup of speakers
Friday, March 8: 10am - 8pm; Saturday, March 9: 10am - 8pm; Sunday, March 10: 10am - 5pm; Monday, March 11: CLOSED; Tuesday, March 12: CLOSED; Wednesday, March 13: 10am - 8pm; Thursday, March 14: 10am - 8pm; Friday, March 15: 10am - 8pm; Saturday, March 16: 10am - 8pm; Sunday, March 17: 10am - 5pm